

Andrew Reinhard


“Assemblage” is an archaeological card game that, through play, encourages the player to think archaeologically. The game is avaliable for you to download and play, so what are you waiting for? Grab the files and have a go!

Source Files

If you want to have your own set of W.T.F simply download and print the following files:

  1. Cards: Artifact Deck
  2. Cards: Events Deck
  3. Rules
  4. Tokens
  5. Board



Judges’ Comments

Our judges all really enjoyed the playful approach to archaeology and heritage. 

Zsolt Sándor commented that it is an “innovative and playful approach to the theme”.

Whilst Izzy Bartley commented that she “liked the incorporation of fictional storytelling into archaeology.” 

Paul Backhouse went on to say that it was a “really good creative idea, which really aims to get people thinking in a fun way.”

For constructive critique the judges felt that “the rules for this game quite difficult to understand” and needed some refinement to make the game easier to jump into. Some additional polish to the visuals would also help with drawing the players in. 

The #THJ2017 team were thrilled to see such a playful engagement with the past and look forward to seeing how this great project progresses in the future. 

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