Terraforming Tahti

The Team

Laura Hampden
Amal Khreisheh
Untitled design(26)
Karen Goodlett

Paradata Resources and Direction

Terraforming Tahti Paradata:


Terraforming Tahti (TT) has been created as a response to the prompt for the Heritage Jam 2022: Life in the Decolonies. It was designed for an audience who may feel stifled by or unrepresented in traditional heritage games. It was designed to encourage players to think about the possibility of reimagining the present and to think about the impact of historical narratives on our collective imagination. We wanted to engage players with the infinite process of decolonisation. 


The resource will be made accessible on the Heritage Jam website and will therefore be subject to the parameters predetermined by the University of York. It was created within Twine and will be subject to parameters predetermined by that platform.


We have chosen a relatively simple structure focusing on a descriptive narrative and an accompanying single visual image for each passage. We designed it in such a way that in the future we could develop the game by incorporating sounds and further interactive elements.  


Our team used a collaborative process to put together the resource. Decisions were taken by team consensus. 


We used established decolonial concepts and abolitionist theory in our storytelling and it is reflected in the cyclical nature of the game which culminates in a cliff hanger passage to be followed up in sequel TT2.


© 2022. CC BY the authors of their respective works. All Rights Reserved.